Keywords = Executive Functions
The Effects of Dual-Task Training and Rhythmic Movements on Executive Functions in Elderly Individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 20 July 2024


Mehdi Zameni Motlagh; Farhad Ghadiri; Abbas Bahram; Saeed Arsham

The Relationship between Continuous Implementation of the Occupations of Sport and Reading with the Executive Functions

Volume 5, Issue 4, January and February 2017, Pages 10-22


Seyedeh Golaleh Hosseini; Malahat Akbarfahimi; Afsoon Hassani Mehraban

Correlation between Allen cognitive level test and CANTAB in patients with Schizophrenia

Volume 1, Issue 2, July and August 2012, Pages 7-14


Talieh Sheikh Fendereski; Hasan Ashayeri; Mitra Khalaf Beigi