Author = Amir Letafatkar
Acute Effect of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Activating Scapular Stabilizer Muscles During Pull-Up Movement in Gymnasts

Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024, Pages 444-461


Omid Kazemi; Amir Letafatkar; Seyed Sadrodin Shojaedin; Maliheh Hadadnezhad

Effect of Corrective Exercises on Posture, Upper Extremity Muscle Activity, and Shoulder Kinematics in Male Handball Players With Upper Cross Syndrome

Volume 12, Issue 6, January and February 2024, Pages 1080-1097


Ainollah Sakinepoor; Malihe Hadadnezhad; Seyed Sadredin Shojaedin; Amir Letafatkar; Mehdi Khaleghi Tazji

Effect of Comprehensive FIFA +11 Injury Prevention Program on EMG and Kinetic Factors of Knee Joint in 10-12 Year-Old Soccer Players

Volume 9, Issue 2, July 2020, Pages 110-117


Yaber Karamollachaab; Seyed Sadradin Shojaedin; Amir Letafatkar; Maliheh Hadadnejad; Shahin Goharpay

Efficacy of Six Weeks of Proprioceptive Exercises on Neck Pain and Disability Index in General Woman Dentists

Volume 8, Issue 1, April 2019, Pages 31-38


Anahita Bolandian; Amir Letafatkar; Bijan Forogh; Sadredin Shojaedin; Pantea Bolandian

Comparison of Shoulder Screening Test Scores between Overhead and Non-Overhead Athletes

Volume 7, Issue 2, July and August 2018, Pages 41-51


Ghazal Mohammad Gholipour Aghdam; Amir Letafatkar